As a beauty artist, you’re probably aware of all the magical things that make-up can do for a person. Some apply make-up as a hobby, while others find watching make-up tutorials a therapy. You will agree that make-up is much more than a means of enhancing your beauty.
For many people, it is a favorite hobby, just like calligraphy or sculpting. Make-up allows room for creativity and art. This is the reason people now choose make-up as their career and lifelong job, regardless of gender. After all, we all need some form of art in our lives to survive. And it is just all the more amazing when you can turn your favorite form of art into your career.
Of course, not all people decide to become make-up artists or beauty vloggers for the sake of making a career. It still remains a hobby for many who choose to showcase their skills as a part time job. Many people are starting to create their own YouTube channels or Instagram accounts dedicated to make-up tutorials. If you ask, a lot of them are trying to create videos that do the same for people as watching make-up tutorials did for them.
A lot of these people also believe that they do not want their make-up therapy to turn into make-up stress while trying to earn through it. This is partially true as any job can be stressful, especially when it is mostly remote. There is always the pressure of finding the for a flawless wing or getting a that looks good on camera. Don’t worry though, because this post discusses all you need to know if you wish to get paid for teaching online make-up. Even if your focus is not the money, you can only create a good make-up tutorial when you follow a few essential techniques. Let’s have a look.

Making a Make-up Tutorial
If you have ever tried filming or editing a make-up tutorial, it’s likely that you’ve come across numerous little problems. These make the biggest difference in the final result. These can range anywhere from having shadow on your face while recording to not being able to edit smoothly. You can solve such issues with the following tips. So, grab your and so we can get started!
Sit by a Window
The biggest problem that most MUAs face is that concerning the lighting setup. It is true that accessories like make a huge difference in how your make-up sits on your face and appears. However, your base and eye make-up will only look perfect through the screen if there’s natural light in your studio.
Although it’s an easy solution, most make-up enthusiasts are of the opinion that impressive make-up tutorials require a lot of money. Sure, make-up products and accessories are definitely very costly, but sunshine is free, and it can make a big deal in how you look on camera.
Make sure you film your tutorial in a setting where you can access natural light. Find a window that lets in sunlight and set up your make-up studio there. However, it is important to note that intense sunlight can do just the opposite for your tutorial. Make sure you only let soft daylight fall on your face.
Get Artificial Lighting
Natural light can prove to be of great help when it comes to the lighting setup. But sitting by the window will not be sufficient if that is all you do. Making the best make-up tutorials is only possible if you own you own a good lighting setup. This should mean owning LED lights and a ring light in your studio.
It is important that your audience is able to see your , because what’s the point if it is not? Not to mention, only LED lights can make your highlighter pop as it does for celebrity MUAs. But if you have LEDs all around you, you cannot do without light reflectors. These ensure that there is no harsh lighting in your pictures or videos by evenly dispersing the light throughout the room. They will also reduce the heat in the room.
If you have a habit of watching make-up tutorials by beauty vloggers, you may have noticed a ring in your favorite YouTuber’s eyes. That is a reflection of ring light that they place in front of them while filming their videos and you should too. A ring light has a temperature of 5400K and provides a very subtle yet radial glow. It can also often mimic natural daylight.
Don’t Forget Your Audience
If you are filming a make-up tutorial, don’t forget that there is an audience watching you. Even if you are a beginner and do not have a lot of followers or subscribers, there are still people who will come across your video. After all, you’re putting it out there for people to see.
This is a very important factor that most vloggers forget. You can only attract and maintain an audience when you engage with them. Think of yourself as the entertainer and do whatever you think you would love as part of the audience. Putting yourself in the viewers’ place is the best way to figure out what your audience wants and expects from you.
You can do engaging voiceovers or talk through all the steps of a make-up routine, such as correctly applying . Make sure you also ask your audience for any questions or feedback they have for you. A make-up tutorial that includes tips is always a great one.
Get a Mic
Talking in a video is great, but that’s only if your audience can clearly hear you. You may be trying your best to interact with your audience but it is useless if your video lacks audio quality. Make it your motto to have your audio be as loud as your makeup. This is important because viewers only feel connected to a content creator when they can clearly hear and understand them.
This is not much of a problem if you’re using a DSLR camera. However, people who use smart-phones to record their videos often face issues related to audio. They also tend to receive feedback from the audience about the voice being unclear or too low. In such a case, you can get a separate mic and install it with all your other filming equipment.
Bottom Line
Make-up is a great hobby, just like paper quilling or writing poetry. If you are interested in making makeup tutorials, you must follow the above-mentioned techniques. These will help enhance the video quality so you can build a bigger following online.